Given a set of keywords words
and a string S
, make all appearances of all keywords in S
bold. Any letters between <b>
and </b>
tags become bold.
The returned string should use the least number of tags possible, and of course the tags should form a valid combination.
For example, given that words = ["ab", "bc"]
and S = "aabcd"
, we should return "a<b>abc</b>d"
. Note that returning "a<b>a<b>b</b>c</b>d"
would use more tags, so it is incorrect.
has length in range[0, 50]
has length in range[1, 10]
has length in range[0, 500]
.- All characters in
are lowercase letters.
class Solution {public: string boldWords(vector& words, string S) { int n = S.size(); string res = ""; vector bold(n, false); for (string word : words) { int len = word.size(); for (int i = 0; i <= n - len; ++i) { if (S[i] == word[0] && S.substr(i, len) == word) { for (int j = i; j < i + len; ++j) bold[j] = true; } } } for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (bold[i]) { if (i == 0 || !bold[i - 1]) res += " "; res.push_back(S[i]); if (i == n - 1 || !bold[i + 1]) res += ""; } else { res.push_back(S[i]); } } return res; }};
class Solution {public: string boldWords(vector& words, string S) { int n = S.size(); string res = ""; unordered_set bold; for (string word : words) { int len = word.size(); for (int i = 0; i <= n - len; ++i) { if (S[i] == word[0] && S.substr(i, len) == word) { for (int j = i; j < i + len; ++j) bold.insert(j); } } } for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (bold.count(i) && !bold.count(i - 1)) res += " "; res.push_back(S[i]); if (bold.count(i) && !bold.count(i + 1)) res += ""; } return res; }};
class Solution {public: string boldWords(vector& words, string S) { int n = S.size(), end = 0; string res = ""; vector bold(n, false); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { for (string word : words) { int len = word.size(); if (i + len <= n && S.substr(i, len) == word) { end = max(end, i + len); } } bold[i] = end > i; } for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (!bold[i]) { res.push_back(S[i]); continue; } int j = i; while (j < n && bold[j]) ++j; res += " " + S.substr(i, j - i) + ""; i = j - 1; } return res; }};